bolder and lighter are relative values with # The font.weight property has effectively 13 values: normal, bold, # to using a font size of 'smaller', or about 83% of the current font # TrueType fonts, which are scalable fonts, small-caps is equivalent # The font.variant property has two values: normal or small-caps. The oblique style will be used for italic, if it is not # The font.style property has three values: normal (or roman), italic # order of priority associated with them.

# these font families has a default list of font names in decreasing # The font.family property has five values: 'serif' (e.g. # matching are given below with their default values. #patch.antialiased : True # render patches in antialised (no jaggies) #patch.linewidth : 1.0 # edge width in points # Patches are graphical objects that fill 2D space, like polygons or #lines.antialiased : True # render lines in antialised (no jaggies) #lines.solid_capstyle : projecting # butt|round|projecting #lines.solid_joinstyle : miter # miter|round|bevel #lines.dash_capstyle : butt # butt|round|projecting #lines.dash_joinstyle : miter # miter|round|bevel #lines.markersize : 6 # markersize, in points #lines.markeredgewidth : 0.5 # the line width around the marker symbol #lines.marker : None # the default marker #lor : blue # has no affect on plot() see lor_cycle #lines.linewidth : 1.0 # line width in points This is where the matplotlib fonts, bitmaps, etc reside # Where your matplotlib data lives if you installed to a non-default #timezone : UTC # a pytz timezone string, eg US/Central or Europe/Paris #toolbar : toolbar2 # None | toolbar2 ("classic" is deprecated) # conflicts, we will automatically try to find a compatible one for # if you are running pyplot inside a GUI and your backend choice # forcing the use of Version 2 API for QString and QVariant. The "pyqt" setting has the side effect of # QT_API used by Enthought Tool Suite (ETS) valid values are # Note that this can be overridden by the environment variable # to use the PyQt4 bindings or the newer PySide bindings to # If you are using the Qt4Agg backend, you can choose here # referring to the module name (which must be in the PYTHONPATH) as # You can also deploy your own backend outside of matplotlib by # CocoaAgg FltkAgg MacOSX QtAgg Qt4Agg TkAgg WX WXAgg Agg Cairo GDK PS # the default backend one of GTK GTKAgg GTKCairo GTK3Agg GTK3Cairo # grayscale intensity such as 0.75 - a legal html color name, eg red, # (1.0, 0.5, 0.0) - a hex string, such as ff00ff or #ff00ff - a scalar # matplotlib color string, such as r, k, or b - an rgb tuple, such as # Colors: for the color values below, you can either use - a # symbol, are ignored, as are trailing comments. Blank lines, or lines starting with a comment # This file is best viewed in a editor which supports python mode # like systems) and C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\.matplotlib # overwritten, place it in HOME/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc (unix/linux # If you want to keep a permanent local copy that will not be # there, please note that it will be overwritten in your next install. # site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data/matplotlibrc.

# This is a sample matplotlib configuration file - you can find a copy To display where the currently active matplotlibrc file was
Install matplotlib, this file will be overwritten, so if you want yourĬustomizations to be saved, please move this file to your. Maybe C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages on Windows. Is something like /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages on Linux, and INSTALL /matplotlib/mpl-data/matplotlibrc, where INSTALL.matplotlib/matplotlibrc, for the user’s default customizations. Specific customizations that you do not want to apply elsewhere. matplotlibrc in the current working directory, usually used for.matplotlib looks for matplotlibrc in three Width, color and style, axes, axis and grid properties, text and font The defaults of almost every property in matplotlib: figure size and dpi, line Of properties, which we call rc settings or rc parameters. Matplotlib uses matplotlibrc configuration files to customize all kinds